Sometimes bosses just don’t have any extra bandwidth to consider, let alone run with a great idea. So, to get a great idea ‘over the line’ with a manager that is already under the pump, consider:
- Making sure you’ve covered off “WiiFt” (What’s In It For Them) including your boss and the broader business.
- It may be that you just didn’t do enough at the ‘homework stage’- ask yourself how thorough the business case for your ‘great idea” is
- How clearly are you stating that the benefits will outweigh the costs, given that costs are much broader than just time and money, and include the impact on other stakeholders and broader considerations such as negative effects on other teams and other products and services
- Lastly, let them know just how much responsibility you can take for the implementation of the idea (vs the ‘hit and run’ approach of dropping the great idea and hoping, or even expecting them to run with it)
All of these put together won’t guarantee a “yes” to your great idea, but the more thoroughly you address these issues, the great the likelihood of you securing that all important “YES”!