One of the models that I cover on my leadership programs is called “The Relational Account”. It asserts that in any working relationship, two people have an account balance which represents the health of their relationship, the ultimate currency of which is trust.
A relationship that has a high degree of trust has a very healthy relational account balance, and conversely a relationship that has high levels of mistrust is overdrawn or in deficit. A healthy balance accumulates over time as the result of excess deposits over withdrawals, and obviously the opposite is the case for an account in deficit.
One of the ways in which leaders can make deposits into the relational account of their team members is by showing genuine interest in their futures. This means understanding their dreams and aspirations, regardless of whether those aspirations are personal or work-based, or whether they include the current organisation, future organisations, or self-employment.
This mirrors the work that Dr John Gottman and his team of researchers have done into successful marriages. One of the consistent elements between happy, stable husband-and-wife relationships is the ability of spouses to know and understand the dreams of their partners. Conversely, in marriages that aren’t so effective (unhealthy, unhappy and unstable), partners have little, or no understanding of their partner’s life goals.
As a team leader, one of the ways that you can increase morale, build loyalty, and put ‘money in the bank’ with your team is by showing a genuine interest in the future aspirations of your team members.